CIRB Studies

Below is the current list of studies covered by the CIRB. It includes both Available to Open and Completed studies. Study documents approved after July 1, 2013 for all covered studies are available on the CTSU website

To request documents approved before July 1, 2013, please contact the CIRB Helpdesk.

Review CIRB
Study Status
Study Number Sort descending Lead Group Study Title CIRB Study Status
E2603 ECOG A Double-blind; Randomized; Placebo-Controlled Phase III Trial of Carboplatin; Paclitaxel and Sorafenib Versus Carboplatin; Paclitaxel and Placebo in Patients with Unresectable Locally Advanced or Stage IV Melanoma Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
E2805 ECOG ASSURE: Adjuvant Sorafenib or Sunitinib for Unfavorable Renal Carcinoma Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
E2810 ECOG Randomized; Double-Blind Phase III Study of Pazopanib vs. Placebo in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Who Have No Evidence of Disease Following Metastatectomy Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
E2902 ECOG A Phase III Randomized Study of Farnesyl Transferase Inhibitor R115777 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Patients in Second or Subsequent Remission or in Remission After Primary Induction Failure or Patients over Age 60 in First Remission Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
E2905 ECOG Randomized Phase III Trial Comparing the Frequency of Major Erythroid Response (MER) to Treatment with Lenalidomide (Revlimid) Alone and in Combination with Epoetin Alfa (Procrit) in Subjects with Low- or Intermediate-1 Risk MDS and Symptomatic Anemia Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
E2906 ECOG Phase III Randomized Trial of Clofarabine as Induction and Post-Remission Therapy vs. Standard Daunorubicin & Cytarabine Induction and Intermediate Dose Cytarabine Post-Remission Therapy; Followed by Decitabine Maintenance vs. Observation in Newly-Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Older Adults (Age >/= 60 Years) Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
E3200 ECOG Phase III Trial of Bevacizumab (NSC 704865); Oxaliplatin (NSC 266046); Fluorouracil and Leucovorin versus Oxaliplatin; Fluorouracil and Leucovorin versus Bevacizumab Alone in Previously Treated Patients with Advanced Colorectal Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
E3201 ECOG Intergroup Randomized Phase III Study of Postoperative Irinotecan; 5-Fluorouracil and Leucovorin Vs Oxaliplatin; 5-Fluorouracil and Leucovorin Vs 5-Fluorouracil and Leucovorin For Patients with Stage II or III Rectal Cancer Receiving Either Preoperative Radiation and 5-Fluorouracil or Postoperative Radiation and 5-Fluorouracil Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
E3805 ECOG CHAARTED: ChemoHormonal Therapy versus Androgen Ablation Randomized Trial for Extensive Disease in Prostate Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
E3999 ECOG A Randomized; Placebo-controlled; Double Blind; Trial of the Administration of the MDR Modulator; Zosuquidar Trihydrochloride (LY335979); During Conventional Induction and Post-Remission Therapy in Patients Greater than 60 Years of Age with Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia; Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts in Transformation or High-Risk Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed