Our History

CIRB History


The NCI Clinical Trials Program Review Group issues recommendations for addressing challenges facing clinical research as a result of “exponential increase in new therapeutics and new technology in a changing fiscal and health care environment.” Among its findings, the Armitage Report recommended that NCI “establish a more streamlined IRB process...for multi-center, cooperative group or intergroup trials to assure that all patients are treated equally, and are provided the opportunity to participate in research in institutions close to their home.”


In response to the Armitage Report, the NCI launches its CIRB initiative.  NCI establishes a central IRB to review multi-center, late-phase oncology trials in adults: the Adult CIRB, later renamed Adult CIRB-Late Phase Emphasis.


NCI establishes the Pediatric CIRB to review cancer treatment, prevention, and control studies in children.


The NCI CIRB receives accreditation by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP).


NCI establishes a second CIRB for adult studies: the Adult CIRB-Early Phase Emphasis.  Also in 2013, the NCI transitions to an independent model, in which the NCI CIRB serves as the IRB of record for all studies under their review. All institutions are transitioned to the independent model.


NCI establishes a fourth CIRB: the Cancer Prevention and Control CIRB. The FDA conducts a routine audit of the NCI CIRB, and has no findings. The NCI CIRB is re-accredited by AAHRPP.