CIRB Studies

Below is the current list of studies covered by the CIRB. It includes both Available to Open and Completed studies. Study documents approved after July 1, 2013 for all covered studies are available on the CTSU website

To request documents approved before July 1, 2013, please contact the CIRB Helpdesk.

Review CIRB
Study Status
Study Number Sort descending Lead Group Study Title CIRB Study Status
ACNS1931 COG A Phase 3 Study of Selumetinib (NSC# 748727, IND# 77782) or Selumetinib in Combination with Vinblastine for non-NF1, non-TSC Patients with Recurrent or Progressive Low-Grade Gliomas (LGGs) Lacking BRAFV600E or IDH1 Mutations Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
ACNS2021 COG A Phase 2 Trial of Chemotherapy followed by Response-Based Whole Ventricular & Spinal Canal Irradiation (WVSCI) for Patients with Localized Non-Germinomatous Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumor Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
ACNS2031 COG A Phase 3 Study of Sodium Thiosulfate for Reduction of Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity in Children with Average-Risk Medulloblastoma and Reduced Therapy in Children with Medulloblastoma with Low-Risk Features Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
ACOSOG-Z1031 ACSOG A Randomized Phase III Trial Comparing 16 to 18 Weeks of Neoadjuvant Exemestane (25 mg daily); Letrozole (2.5 mg); or Anastrozole (1 mg) in Postmenopausal Women with Clinical Stage II and III Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
ACOSOG-Z1041 ACSOG A Randomized Phase III Trial Comparing a Neoadjuvant Regimen of FEC-75 Followed by Paclitaxel Plus Trastuzumab With a Neoadjuvant Regimen of Paclitaxel Plus Trastuzumab Followed by FEC-75 Plus Trastuzumab in Patients with HER-2 Positive Operable Breast Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
ACOSOG-Z4032 ACSOG A Randomized Phase III Study of Sublobar Resection versus Sublobar Resection Plus Brachytherapy in High Risk Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC); 3 cm or Smaller Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
ACOSOG-Z4099 ACSOG A Randomized Phase III Study of Sublobar Resection (+/- Brachytherapy) versus Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in High Risk Patients with Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)<br><br> Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
ACOSOG-Z6051 ACSOG A Phase III Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing Laparoscopic-assisted Resection Versus Open Resection for Rectal Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
ACOSOG-Z9031 ACSOG A Phase III Randomized Study of Preoperative Radiation Plus Surgery Versus Surgery Alone for Patients with Retroperitoneal Sarcomas (RPS) Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
ADVL0221 COG A Phase II Study of Trabectedin (ET-743; Yondelis) in Children with Recurrent Rhabdomyosarcoma; Ewing Sarcoma; or Nonrhabdomyosarcomatous Soft Tissue Sarcomas Pediatric CIRB Completed