Updated CIRB SOPs and Recruitment Material Review Process (Video Submissions)


Updated CIRB SOPs and Recruitment Material Review Process (Video Submissions)

CIRB Participants,

The CIRB Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been updated.  The changes were made to reflect updates to the CIRB’s review process for of recruitment videos, changes to the length of CIRB meeting agendas and other administrative changes.  A detailed summary of the changes may be found in the Summary of Changes to the SOPs.  
The CIRB Operations Office has updated the review and approval process for recruitment videos.   As making changes to videos post-production can be costly and time consuming, the CIRB requires submission of draft materials, such as scripts and storyboards, prior to production. If the CIRB approves the draft materials for production the final video must be submitted to the CIRB for review.  

To facilitate submission of the final video we have created a new form entitled CIRB Participant Recruitment Materials Video Submission Form.  Once completed this form should be submitted to the CIRB Operations Office for CIRB review of the final video. This review is generally conducted via an expedited review and a final determination letter will be issued This form will be posted to CTSU for sites to utilize and easily locate the approved video online.   If you do not utilize CTSU for posting of documents, a version of the form will be provided via your standard document sharing processes.

To assist you in understanding the process we have created a Quickguide entitled Submitting Recruitment Material For Review which may be found on the CIRB website. 

Please contact the CIRB Helpdesk if you have any questions or comments.