Updated CIRB Continuing Review Application For COVID-19 Reporting


Updated CIRB Continuing Review Application For COVID-19 Reporting

On April 10, 2023, President Biden signed the bill officially ending the COVID-19 national emergency for the United States. All allowed COVID-19 deviations and reporting requirements are now discontiunued.

The following section will be retained for archival purposes.





The NCI CIRB Continuing Review Application has been updated to collect information on minor protocol deviations related to the COVID-19 public health emergency. 

The following changes were made to the CIRB Continuing Review Application: 

  1. Question 4.8 has been added requesting confirmation if any minor protocol deviations related to the COVID-19 public health emergency have been collected for the study. 
  2. The Summary of CIRB-Requested Supporting Documents added a selection to indicate if a minor deviation report will be attached with the submission.

This application is located on the CIRB Website under the Quickguides for Submitting Studies and is provided with the CIRB Continuing Review Reminder Notice.

The revised applications are effective Wednesday, July 15, 2020 and should be used for all submissions submitted for review on or after that date.  

Please contact the CIRB Central Inboxes with any questions: