Chicago, IL
Kimberly is a survivor of ovarian cancer and early stage, triple positive breast cancer. Early in her survivorship, was engaged in various forms of patient advocacy ranging from serving as serving on various community advisory boards for the National Quality Forum, Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance, Northwestern University Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center and the University of Chicago, College of Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center. She has been appointed a public member to the review committee for ACGME for the American Board of Emergency Medicine and serves as a member of the ABEM Stakeholder Advisory Group.
Kimberly established a special commission on Gynecologic Cancer in the state of Illinois and is the current chair of the commission. She continues to be a pre-reviewer for the Department of Defense, Medical Research Program grants on ovarian cancer organizes a national annual gynecologic cancer summit bringing researchers, providers and patients together to discuss breakthrough research in treatment.
Kimberly is the 2021 recipient of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship’s Ellen L. Stovall Award for Patient Innovation in Cancer Care and the same year, founded the Black Cancer Collaborative, a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization that creates partnerships between Black cancer patients and the medical and scientific communities on issues of health equity, patient inclusion and clinical trials participation. She has partnered with researchers, published several ASCO guidelines and is a contributing writer on the 2022-2027 Illinois Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.