Cheryl Jernigan CPA, FACHE

Immediate Past Chair of The Advancement Board

Co-Chair of the Cancer Funding Partners
Chair of the Breast Cancer Prevention Center Advocate Advisory Board
The University of Kansas Medical Center
The University of Kansas Hospital
Kansas City, MO


Cheryl Jernigan, CPA, FACHE is a 18-year breast cancer "thriver" and a pro-bono leader in cancer and research advocacy. She is a "co-survivor" with her husband, who is a survivor of metastatic prostate cancer and HPV tonsil cancer.

Among her leadership roles, she is the Immediate Past Chair of The Advancement Board, Co-Chair of the Cancer Funding Partners, and Chair of the Breast Cancer Prevention Center Advocate Advisory Board for The University of Kansas Medical Center and The University of Kansas Hospital.

Ms. Jernigan is also a member of Susan G. Komen's (national) Scientific Advisory Board, which oversees Komen's breast cancer research program; a founding and current board member, and Chair of the Strategic Mission Committee of the Greater Kansas City Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure; a member of the steering committee for the (national) Komen Advocates in Science program; and Treasurer for the Susan G. Komen Advocacy Alliance's Board of Directors.

Nationally, Cheryl is a member of the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative's Patient Leadership Council; a member of the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center's Working Group on Returning Clinical Trial Results to Participants; Lead Advocate for the Greater Plains Clinical Data Research Network (a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Initiative (PCORI) grant; a member of the DIA's Patient Advocate Fellowship Alumni group; a past member of the National Cancer Institute's Director's Consumer Liaison Group (DCLG); and has served as an advocate reviewer for Komen's Research Program, the U.S. Congressionally-Directed Breast Cancer Research Program, and the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Cheryl's former professional career included leadership roles in healthcare/hospital finance, administration and public policy.