Change to the Process for Submitting Waiver of Assent Requests to the CIRB


Change to the Process for Submitting Waiver of Assent Requests to the CIRB

The CIRB determines the age ranges when a child’s assent is required. If a child in the age range determined by the CIRB cannot provide assent, an Assent Waiver must be obtained prior to the child’s enrollment in the study. An electronic process has been developed for staff at enrolled institutions to request an assent waiver from the CIRB for an individual child in IRBManager.

Please consult the Completing the Assent Waiver Worksheet for the specific instructions to complete the Worksheet.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact the CIRB Helpdesk at or by telephone at 1-888-657-3711.


NCI CIRB Operations Office
The EMMES Corporation
401 N. Washington Street, Suite 700
Rockville, MD 20850