CIRB Studies

Below is the current list of studies covered by the CIRB. It includes both Available to Open and Completed studies. Study documents approved after July 1, 2013 for all covered studies are available on the CTSU website

To request documents approved before July 1, 2013, please contact the CIRB Helpdesk.

Review CIRB
Study Status
Study Number Sort descending Lead Group Study Title CIRB Study Status
RTOG-P-0011 RTOG Phase III Randomized Study of Adjuvant Therapy For High Risk PT2-3N0 Prostate Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
RTOG-P-0014 RTOG A Phase III Randomized Study of Patients With High Risk; Hormone-Naive Prostate Cancer: Androgen Blockade With 4 Cycles of Immediate Chemotherapy Versus Androgen Blockade with Delayed Chemotherapy" Study Closed and Terminated Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
S0012 SWOG A Comparative Randomized Study of Standard Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Weekly Paclitaxel Vs. Weekly Doxorubicin and Daily Oral Cyclophosphamide Plus G-CSF Followed by Weekly Paclitaxel as Neoadjuvant Therapy for Inflammatory and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
S0023 SWOG A Phase III Trial of Cisplatin/Etoposide/ Radiotherapy with Consolidation Docetaxel Followed by Maintenance Therapy with ZD1839 or Placebo in Patients with Inoperable Locally Advanced Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
S0106 SWOG A Phase III Study of the Addition of Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (Mylotarg) during Induction Therapy Versus Standard Induction with Daunomycin and Cytosine Arabinoside Followed by Consolidation and Subsequent Randomization to Post-Consolidation Therapy with Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin (Mylotarg) or No Additional Therapy for Patients Under Age 61 with Previously Untreated De Novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
S0124 SWOG Randomized Phase III Trial of Cisplatin (NSC-119875) and Irinotecan (NCSC-616348) Versus Cisplatin and Etoposide (NSC-141540) in Patients With Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (E-SCLC) Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
S0200 SWOG A Phase III Randomized Study of Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin Plus Carboplatin Versus Carboplatin in Platinum-Sensitive Patients with Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian or Peritoneal Carcinoma After Failure of Initial Platinum-Based Chemotherapy Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
S0205 SWOG A Phase III Randomized Open-Label Study Comparing Gemcitabine Plus Cetuximab (IMC-C225) Versus Gemcitabine as First-Line Therapy of Patients with Advanced Pancreas Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
S0221 SWOG Phase III Trial of Continuous Schedule AC+G Vs. Q2 Week Schedule AC; Followed by Paclitaxel Given Either Every 2 Weeks or Weekly for 12 Weeks as Post-Operative Adjuvant Therapy in Node-Positive or High-Risk Node-Negative Breast Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
S0226 SWOG Phase III Randomized Trial of Anastrozole Versus Anastrozole and Fulvestrant as First Line Therapy for Post Menopausal Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed