CIRB Studies

Below is the current list of studies covered by the CIRB. It includes both Available to Open and Completed studies. Study documents approved after July 1, 2013 for all covered studies are available on the CTSU website

To request documents approved before July 1, 2013, please contact the CIRB Helpdesk.

Review CIRB
Study Status
Study Number Sort descending Lead Group Study Title CIRB Study Status
PED-CITN-02 Pediatric CITN GD2-CAR PERSIST: Production and Engineering of GD2-Targeted, Receptor Modified T Cells (GD2CART) for Sarcoma and Neuroblastoma to Increase Systemic Tumor Exposure Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PED-CITN-03 Pediatric CITN Phase 1 Trial of Hu5F9-G4 (Magrolimab) Combined with Dinutuximab in Children and Young Adults with Relapsed and Refractory Neuroblastoma or Relapsed Osteosarcoma Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PEPN1812 PEP-CTN A Phase 1 Trial of the CD123 X CD3 DART® Molecule Flotetuzumab (NSC#808294, IND#145986) in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults with Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PEPN1924 PEP-CTN A Phase 2 Study of DS-8201A (NSC# 807708, IND# TBD) in Adolescents, or Young Adults with Recurrent HER2+ Osteosarcoma Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PEPN2011 PEP-CTN A Phase 1/2 Study of Tegavivint (IND#156033, NSC#826393) in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults with Recurrent or Refractory Solid Tumors, Including Lymphomas and Desmoid Tumors Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PEPN2111 PEP-CTN A Phase 1/2 Trial of CBL0137 (NSC# 825802, IND# TBD) in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Solid Tumors including CNS Tumors and Lymphoma Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PEPN2112 COG A Phase 1/ 2 Study of BAY 1895344 (elimusertib, IND#152153, NSC#810486) in Pediatric Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Solid Tumors Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PEPN2113 COG A Phase 1 and pharmacokinetic study of Uproleselan (GMI-1271, IND #139758, NSC #801708) in combination with fludarabine and cytarabine for patients with acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome or mixed phenotype acute leukemia that expresses E-selectin ligand on the cell membrane and is in second or greater relapse or that is refractory to relapse therapy Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PEPN2121 PEP-CTN A Phase 2 Study of Tiragolumab (NSC# 827799) and Atezolizumab (NSC# 783608) in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory SMARCB1 or SMARCA4 Deficient Tumors Pediatric CIRB Available to Open
PEPN21EHR/PBTC-N15 Pediatric CITN Pilot Study to Enable Electronic Laboratory Data Transfer into Medidata Rave Pediatric CIRB Completed