CIRB Studies

Below is the current list of studies covered by the CIRB. It includes both Available to Open and Completed studies. Study documents approved after July 1, 2013 for all covered studies are available on the CTSU website

To request documents approved before July 1, 2013, please contact the CIRB Helpdesk.

Review CIRB
Study Status
Study Number Sort descending Lead Group Study Title CIRB Study Status
GOG-0277 GOG A Phase III Randomized Trial of Gemcitabine (NSC# 613327) Plus Docetaxel (NSC# 628503) Followed by Doxorubicin (NCS# 123127) versus Observation for Uterus-Limited; High Grade Uterine Leiomyosarcoma Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Completed
GOG-0281 GOG A Randomized Phase II/III Study To Assess The Efficacy of Trametinib (GSK 1120212) In Patients With Recurrent Or Progressive Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Or Peritoneal Cancer. NCT # NCT02101788 Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
GOG-0286B GOG A Randomized Phase II/III Study Of Paclitaxel/Carboplatin/Metformin (NSC#91485) Versus Paclitaxel/Carboplatin/Placebo As Initial Therapy For Measurable Stage III Or IVA; Stage IVB; or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
INT21-05-01 CLO-Northwestern University Phase IIB Clinical Trial of the Multitargeted Recombinant Adenovirus 5 (CEA/MUC1/Brachyury) Vaccine (TRI-AD5) and IL-15 Superagonist N-803 in Lynch Syndrome Cancer Prevention and Control CIRB Available to Open
INT22-09-01 CP-CTNet_CLO-University of Wisconsin A Randomized Trial of Apalutamide in Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Cancer Prevention and Control CIRB Available to Open
LungMAP SWOG A Master Protocol to Evaluate Biomarker-Driven Therapies and Immunotherapies in Previously-Treated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (Lung-MAP Screening Study) Adult CIRB - Late Phase Emphasis Available to Open
MAY2015-05-01 CP-CTNet_CLO-Mayo Clinic Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of Meriva® (curcuminoids) as a candidate chemoprevention agent for gastric carcinogenesis Cancer Prevention and Control CIRB Available to Open
MAY2016-07-01 CP-CTNet_CLO-Mayo Clinic Phase II Trial of Weekly Erlotinib Dosing to Reduce Duodenal Polyp Burden Associated with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Cancer Prevention and Control CIRB Completed
MAY2016-07-01F CP-CTNet_CLO-Mayo Clinic Review of Post-Study Clinical Endoscopy Reports in Follow Up to MAY2016-07-01 Weekly Erlotinib for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Cancer Prevention and Control CIRB Completed
MAY2016-08-01 CP-CTNet_CLO-Mayo Clinic A Pilot Study of MUC1 Vaccine in Current and Former Smokers at High Risk for Lung Cancer Cancer Prevention and Control CIRB Available to Open