Quickguide Update

Revisions to Local Context Worksheets

The CIRB’s Annual Principal Investigator Worksheet and the Study-Specific Worksheet have been revised to make it easier for you to provide the required local context information to the CIRB. 

To support these revisions, instructions for completing these Worksheets can be found on the CIRB website within the for Institutions section, under Quickguides.  

If you have any questions regarding the changes to the Worksheets, contact the CIRB Helpdesk (ncicirbcontact@emmes.com or  1-888-657-3711).

An overview of the changes by Worksheet is provided below.

Annual Principal Investigator Worksheet:

  1. Question 3 and 4 (Research Staff section) will now have a selection of number ranges instead of free text. This will decrease the need to add any changes in the Study Specific Worksheet for minor changes.
  2. Question 7 (PI Resources section) will now have a selection of number ranges instead of free text. This will decrease the need to add any changes in the Study Specific Worksheet for minor changes.
  3. Question 8-19, 25 will now have a selection of the most common answers instead of free text to make sure the responses are clear and to prevent the rejection of worksheets for clarification.
  4. Question 20 now has specific questions in order to clarify the Institutions internal process in how they receive and address concerns.
  5. Question 27 now has a confirmation checkbox instead of a Yes/No response for pregnant women on study.

Study-Specific Worksheet:

  1. Instead of referencing the Question number for changes in the Principal Investigator worksheet, it now references the section name.